Dope Links 2024.06

Dope Links 2024.06

WWDC 2024

Apple held its annual developer conference. Here are all the video sessions released this year.

WWDC24 Sessions
Learn something new in video sessions posted to the Apple Developer app, website, and YouTube channel.

Every Way To Get Structured Output From LLMs

Sometimes converting a natural language to JSON can be difficult for a LLM. Here is what to do when we encounter this problem.

Every Way To Get Structured Output From LLMs
A survey of every framework for extracting structured output from LLMs, and how they compare.

Secrets of the ChatGPT Linux system

Author tried to find a vulnerabilities in ChatGPT code runner. During his research he discovered how it works behind the scenes.

James Stanley - Secrets of the ChatGPT Linux system

What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs

O'Reilly was one of the first companies that jump on the Generative AI bandwagon, and they compiled a list of do's and don'ts.

What We Learned from a Year of Building with LLMs (Part I)

How not to create an AI product

Rabbit R1 is a great example that hype is not enough to create a successful product.

Rabbit R1 makes catastrophic rookie programming mistake
A group of jailbreakers recently discovered that the Rabbit R1 codebase contains hardcoded API keys - giving them easy access to user data from their AI tech…


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