Sending trial notifications with provisional authorization on iOS
Learn how to send a local notification without asking for full permissions.
Sending trial notifications with provisional authorization on iOS
By taking advantage of provisional authorization for notifications, we can provide a gentle introduction to our app’s notifications without upfront permission from the user.

Why Ollie is moving away from SwiftUI to UIKit
Almost every iOS developer is embracing SwiftUI, but Ollie decided to go back to UIKit.
CSS color-scheme-dependent colors with light-dark()
CSS now has a new function that allows to set light and dark modes color pair.
CSS color-scheme-dependent colors with light-dark() | Articles |
description: Define colors that react to the used color-scheme with the light-dark() function.

Pokémon GO: Architecture of the #1 AR Game in the World
Learn how one of the most popular games was working under the hood.
Pokémon GO: Architecture of the #1 AR Game in the World
How Pokémon GO started, its architecture, and the individual components driving this popular game.

A stories about cloud usage f*ckups.
ServerlessHorrors | Home
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