I replaced all our blog thumbnails using DALL·E 2 for $45: here’s what I learned
Creating engaging thumbnail for a post or a video is always difficult, but it looks like we can use AI to make out life easier.
I replaced all our blog thumbnails using DALL·E 2 for $45: here’s what I learned | Deephaven
Blog posts with images get 2.3x more engagement. Here’s the problem - we make a query engine for streaming tables. How the heck are you supposed to pick images for technical topics like comparing the similarities between Deephaven and Materalize, viewing pandas DataFrames, gRPC tooling for getting d…

AI Image Generators Compared Side-By-Side Reveals Stark Differences
Continuing topic of AI Image generators here is they compare to each other.
AI Image Generators Compared Side-By-Side Reveals Stark Differences
A helpful direct comparison.

Complete List of iOS URL Schemes for Apple Apps and Services
A Complete list of URL Schemes that allow to launch Apps and Services
Complete List of iOS URL Schemes for Apple Apps and Services (Always-Updated)
The most exhaustive list of Apple iOS app schemes on the web

Automate Pull Request Labels Based on Changed Files With Actions
Super useful hack that allows to automatically add tags to GitHub PRs based on changed files and directories.
Automate Pull Request Labels Based on Changed Files With Actions
Using GitHub Actions to add labels conditionally to a PR based on which files and directories changed

Mega photo of the Moon
Two Reddit users took a mega-detailed photo of the Moon.
r/space - Two years ago, I teamed up with a fellow redditor to try and take the most ridiculous moon shot we could come up with. Today, we proudly introduce our newest collaboration, a 174 megapixel look at our cosmic companion. Zoom in to check it out!
Bis jetzt 121.840 Votes und 2.293 Kommentare auf Reddit

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