SwiftUI under the Hood: Variadic Views
Learn how SwiftUI's container views work under-the-hood, and apply that knowledge in your own components.
SwiftUI under the Hood: Variadic Views
After some spelunking in SwiftUI internals, we discover how to write better container views.

How I Shaved 187MB Off United Airline's 439mb iOS App
One simple trick can significantly reduce the size of an app.
Trevor Elkins’ Blog - How I Shaved 187MB Off United Airline’s 439mb iOS App
How I reverse engineered United Airline’s iOS app to shave 187MB off the total size.

State of JS 2021
The results of the annual Java Script questionnaire survey.
The State of JS 2021
The 2021 edition of the annual survey about the latest trends in the JavaScript ecosystem.

Color Game
Fun color guessing game.
A color matching game by Method of Action

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