How we handle 80TB and 5M page views a month for under $400
Putting a website or a webservice in a cloud is easy, but expensive. Spreading it over multiple services might be cheaper option and not that complex either.
How we handle 80TB and 5M page views a month for under $400
How the heck do we run a massively popular website and asset resource while being funded primarily by donations?

How I Pwned by My Cloud Cost
If you forget about some limits set in a Cloud, you might pay a huge bill.
How I Got Pwned by My Cloud Costs
I have been, and still remain, a massive proponent of “the cloud”. I built Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) as a cloud-first service that took advantage of modern cloud paradigms such as Azure Table Storage to massively drive down costs at crazy levels of performance I never could have achieved

How to make $13,000,000 on the App Store
How to earn money on AppStore by providing an app that does nothing but charging users money.
💰 How to make $13,000,000 on the App Store:
— Kosta Eleftheriou (@keleftheriou) January 10, 2022
UI design trends of today and how to apply them in your apps
Let's see what UI trends are popular right now, and how to adopt them in the our apps.
UI design trends of today and how to apply them in your apps
From outline icons to switch designs, the UIs of major OSes are all starting to look similar.

An incomplete list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding
Engineering and programming skills are important, but we need to have or work on other skills as well.
An incomplete list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding
For varying levels of seniority, from senior, to staff, and beyond.

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