Here is the list of dope links I stumble upon in April. Enjoy!
My current HTML boilerplate
The boilerplate code for a 2021 website together with the explanations.
Substack's UI and 1Password just cost me $2,023
An interesting example of how an hidden input field can cost the users big money.
Inside a viral website
This is the story how the was, for a week, one the most viral websites in a world.
Who's Using Amazon Web Services?
Have you ever wonder how much those it cost to run AWS for a big company like Netflix? Welp, long story short - a lot 😋
OWASP Top 10 for Web
Learn and understand the most popular ways of breaking into a web app. All explained with interactive examples.
Hacking 3,000,000 apps at once through CocoaPods
Hacking a package manager is one of the ways to hack multiple applications. This time the victim was an iOS manager - CocoaPods.
The Architecture Behind A One-Person Tech Startup
This is how an automation allows a one men is running a small Startup.
Write better commits with Gitmoji
An interesting approach to commit messages. I have to admit, there is a potential in this idea.
Introducing The Key
An April Fools joke from non other than Stack Overflow. I know this was just a joke, but imagine that you have an ability to copy a code snippet only 3 times, and then you would have to pay for premium subscription 🙈
How often do people actually copy and paste from Stack Overflow?
The April Fool joke allowed to measure how often people copy-paste the code from Stack Overflow.
Anything interesting to share? Write a comment.