SwiftBus - A lightweight Event Bus library written in Swift

I've created a simple and lightweight EventBus library. It is written in Swift and powered by Combine:

GitHub - mtynior/SwiftBus: A simple and lightweight Event Bus library written in Swift and powered by Combine
A simple and lightweight Event Bus library written in Swift and powered by Combine - GitHub - mtynior/SwiftBus: A simple and lightweight Event Bus library written in Swift and powered by Combine

The main feature of the SwiftBus is ability to send and receive custom events:

import SwiftBus
import Combine

// 1. Define custom event
struct RebelsActivityDetectedEvent: EventRepresentable {
    let planet: String
    let distanceInParsecs: Int

// 2. Create EventBus
let eventBus: EventTransmittable = EventBus()
var subscriptions: Set<AnyCancellable> = []

// 3. Add event handlers and store the reference to a subscription
eventBus.onReceive(RebelsActivityDetectedEvent.self) { event in
  print("Detected rebels \(event.distanceInParsecs) parsecs from us on \(event.planet)")
.store(in: &subscriptions)

// 4. Send event
let event = RebelsActivityDetectedEvent(planet: "Hoth", distanceInParsecs: 12)

It can also operate just on named events:

import SwiftBus
import Combine

// 1. Create EventBus
let eventBus: EventTransmittable = EventBus()
var subscriptions: Set<AnyCancellable> = []

// 2. Add handler for named event with params
eventBus.onReceive("RebelsActivityDetected") { params in
  print("Detected rebels \(params["distanceInParsecs"]) parsecs from us on \(params["planet"])")
.store(in: &subscriptions)

// 3. Send named event with params
eventBus.send("RebelsActivityDetected", params: ["planet": "Hoth", "distanceInParsecs": 12])

The SwiftBus should be a nice replacement for good old NotificationCenter :)