
Recently I started creating a lot of prototypes of various SwiftUI applications. When I was working on those, I always faced two issues. The first one was theming. I lacked a coherent color palette, fonts, margins, paddings, etc.

The second issue was about helpers and utils. I always create those, and later when I need them, I have to find and copy them between projects..

This week, I decided to solve those problems, and I created Fulcrum.

Fulcrum is a utility SwiftUI framework to speed up application development. It features:

  1. Color palette based on Tailwind CSS.
  2. Color utils and helpers.
  3. Predefined font sizes.
  4. Predefined spacings for margins and paddings
  5. View Modifiers
  6. Various View extensions.
  7. Debug utils.

Now, I have everything in one place, and all I have to do is to add a Swift package to my project. You can check it out on my GitHub:

GitHub - mtynior/Fulcrum: A utility SwiftUI framework to speed up application development
A utility SwiftUI framework to speed up application development - GitHub - mtynior/Fulcrum: A utility SwiftUI framework to speed up application development